Thrustmaster viðbót pedalar T.Flight Rudder PS/PC

Framleiðandi: Thrustmaster
Framl.númer: 2960764
Vörunúmer: 9146

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T.Flight Rudder fótstigin eru hönnuð fyrir alla leikjaspilara sem vilja spila flugvélaleiki af alvöru. Stórkostleg viðbót við Flight Simulator tölvuleikina. Þau virka sem viðbót fyrir alla stýripinna sem eru notaðir við PC tölvur. Þau virka einnig fyrir PS4™ sem eru með T.Flight Hotas 4 joystick* og XBox One™ með T.Flight Hotas One joystick.
 * Official PlayStation®4 joystick, virkar einnig við PC

Frí heimsending
Verð: 23.990 kr

T.Flight Rudder Pedals
THE TFRP RUDDER–Thrustmaster Flight Rudder Pedals: DESIGNED FOR ALL USERS Compatible on PC with all joysticks on the market Also compatible on PS4™ with the T.Flight Hotas 4 joystick*/** and on XBox One™ with the T.Flight Hotas One joystick

The Thrustmaster TFRP (T.Flight Rudder Pedals)
First rudder ever to feature the S.M.A.R.T (Sliding Motion Advanced Rail Track) slide rails system!
Capitalizes on the brand’s 25 years of expertise and leadership.
Is the device most highly requested by members of the flight sim community.

S.M.A.R.T (Sliding Motion Advanced Rail Track) slide rails rudder
System of 4 slide rails crafted of industrial-grade aluminium for perfectly smooth sliding motion
Self-centering rudder axis: the perfect balance between smoothness and resistance for re-centering
Long range of travel on rudder axis for precise maneuvers
10-inch/25-centimeter footrest (12/45 shoe size) for rudder function
Versatile ergonomic design suitable for all types of flight (aerial combat, space adventure, civil flight, etc.)
With the heel-rest removed, you can control the rudder using the ball of your foot, with your heel on the floor
With the heel-rest in place, you can rest 100% of your foot on the pedal
Large base and inclined design combining comfort with stability.

Box contents:
Rudder with RJ12 cable, universal RJ12/USB adapter unit, 2 removable differential brake heel-rests, user manual and warranty information.
 * Official PlayStation®4 joystick, also compatible with PC
** Sold separately
*** Available for download from the website

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