Snjallskynjari Nedis Zigbee Smart Climate Sensor

Framleiðandi: Nedis
Framl.númer: ZBSC10WT
Vörunúmer: 10382

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Þráðlaus Nedis rakaskynjari sem mælir bæði hitastig (0 - 40 °C) og rakastig (0 - 95%) í loftinu og sendir í tilkynningu í SmartLife. Þannig má fylgjast með rakastiginu, en jafnframt með hitastiginu síðustu daga, vikur eða mánuði. Með tengingu við önnur tæki í Nedis SmartLife línunni, má nota hita eða rakastig til að stýra öðrum smartbúnaði eins og ofni, viftu eða smart tengli og stjórna þannig nánast hvaða raftæki sem er. Einföld lausn við flóknu verkefni.

Frí heimsending á pöntunum yfir 5000 kr
Verð: 2.790 kr
Smart Climate Sensor. Zigbee, Battery included

This smart climate sensor measures both the room temperature (0 - 40 °C) and humidity (0 - 95%) in the air and sends this information to your Nedis SmartLife application. To do this, a Nedis Zigbee gateway (WIFIZBxxx) is required.
This not only allows you to monitor the current room climate but it also enables you to look back at the temperature and humidity changes for the last day, week or month.
By combining this sensor with other products in the Nedis SmartLife range, you can use the temperature or humidity to trigger or control any smart product such as a heater or fan, but also a smart plug to control almost any electrical device.
Its compact size and the included battery with a lifetime of up to one year (depending on report frequency) lets you place this sensor anywhere you want (within a range of approximately 30 metres of the Zigbee gateway).

• Measure temperature and humidity wherever you want within a range of approximately 30 m from the Nedis Zigbee gateway (WIFIZBxxx)
• Fully integrates with your Nedis SmartLife application (through the Nedis Zigbee gateway) to combine with other smart products in automations
• See both live and stored climate information for the last day, week or month in clear graphs
• Battery powered for flexible placement
• Battery lifetime of up to one year
Package contents
Climate sensor
Quick start guide
Product specifications
Operating temperature
0 - 40 °C
Maximum radio transmit power    
10 dBm
Frequency range
2400 - 2483.5 MHz   
Input voltage
Antenna gain
2.5 dBi
Wireless technology
Batteries included
1x CR2450
Compatible with

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