Myndarammi Denver 10" IPS PFF-1064 FHD hvítur

Framl.númer: PFF-1064W
Vörunúmer: 11273

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Sendu myndir til vina og vandamanna með einföldu appi. Glæsilegur 10" IPS 1920x1080 myndarammi með snertiskjá sem standa má lárétt eða lóðrétt (auto rotate). Innbyggt 16GB minni ásamt microSD kortarauf fyrir aukið geymslupláss.


Frí heimsending
Verð: 22.990 kr

10.1” digital Wi-Fi photoframe with FRAMEO photo software
This is a new social way to share pictures & videos with friends and family. IPS FULL HD touchscreen gives good sharp pictures

Product information

  • Smart 10.1” digital Wi-Fi photoframe with FULL HD IPS touchscreen
  • Preinstalled FRAMEO software that enables you to make personal photo frame functions
  • Download app to your smartphone, and then push photos & video through to the FRAMEO photoframe - This is perfect if you give the Frameo to a family member etc.
  • Frameo is a new type of social media based on photos - Have hundreds of friends pushing pictures & video directly to your photoframe.
  • Send your family or friends the newest pictures/videos from Christmas, when you are on vacations etc.
  • Add text to the pictures
  • FRAMEO photoframe gives photosharing a new and much more personal touch
  • The owner of the FRAMEO photoframe are in control. You decide who shall be able to send you pictures/videos, you can invite friends, family etc.
  • 10.1” FULL HD IPS touchscreen with 1080P resolution: 1920x1200
  • Dual band Wi-FI - 2.4 & 5GHz
  • Set time for rotation of pictures between 10 seconds & 30 mins.
  • Timer function to make the FRAMEO photoframe turn off automatically at night. You can e.g. set it to be off between 23.00 and 08.00
  • Add and delete FRAMEO friends directly from the touchscreen
  • 16GB memory - you can save thousands of pictures directly onto the FRAMEO photoframe


  • 10.1", FULL HD IPS touchscreen, Dual band Wi-Fi (2.4 & 5GHz), MicroSD, social photomedia


  • 100-240V~50-60Hz/5V~2A adaptor


  • 16GB internal storage + MicroSD card slot for importing pictures from MicroSD card

File types

  • JPEG photos & video from smartphone


  • Built-in dual band Wi-FI function (2.4 & 5GHz)


  • MicroSD card slot


  • Frameo software on photoframe, Free app for Android & iOS

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