Minnislykill Sandisk USB3.1 256GB Extreme Pro

Framleiðandi: Sandisk
Framl.númer: SDCZ880-256G-G46
Vörunúmer: 10156

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Hér færðu nýja gerð af 256GB USB3.1 minnislykli á einstaklega góðu verði. SanDisk eru þekktir fyrir hagstæð verð en jafnframt áreiðanlega vöru.
Extreme PRO USB 3.1 er allt að 35x hraðvirkari en venjulegur USB 2.0 minnislykill. Þannig getur þú flutt 4K bíómynd inná lykilinn á minna en 15 sekúndum!

Frí heimsending
Verð: 11.990 kr
SanDisk 256GB Extreme PRO USB 3.1 Solid State Flash Drive - SDCZ880-256G-G46
Product description
The SanDisk Extreme PRO USB 3.1 Solid State Flash Drive delivers super-fast solid state performance in a USB flash drive. A game-changer in the USB storage category, this flash drive offers read speeds of up to 420MB/s and write speeds of up to 380MB/s1 that let you transfer everything fast. With capacities up to 256GB7, there’s plenty of room to easily manage massive files. The sophisticated aluminum design is both stylish and durable, and the included SanDisk SecureAccess software, with 128-bit file encryption and password protection, ensures that your private files stay private2. Plus, the SanDisk Extreme PRO USB 3.1 Solid State Flash Drive is backed by a limited lifetime warranty6 for added peace of mind.
  • Super-fast solid state performance, read speeds of up to 420MB/s; write speeds of up to 380MB/s
  • Sophisticated design with durable aluminum metal casing
  • SanDisk Secure Access software included for 128-bit AES file encryption and password protection
  • Backward-compatible with USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 ports.Dimensions:11.0 x 21.0 x 71.0 millimeter; 0.45 x 0.84 x 2.79 inches
  • Backed by a lifetime limited warranty

SanDisk Extreme PRO USB 3.1 Solid State Flash Drive
The SanDisk Extreme PRO USB 3.1 Solid State Flash Drive delivers super-fast solid state performance in a USB 3.1 flash drive (2). A game-changer in the USB storage category, this flash drive offers read speeds of up to 420MB/s and write speeds of up to 380MB/s (2) that let you transfer content fast. Available in capacities up to 256GB (1), this USB 3.1 flash drive provides plenty of room to easily manage even massive files. The sophisticated aluminum design is both stylish and durable, and the included SanDisk SecureAccess software with 128-bit file encryption and password protection ensures that your private files stay private (5). The SanDisk Extreme PRO USB 3.1 Solid State Flash Drive is backed by a limited lifetime warranty (7) for added peace of mind.
Technical data
Memory capacity     
256 GB
USB 3.1
380 MBps     
420 MBps
17 grams
21 mm
11 mm
71 mm
Product type
USB stick

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