Logitech M575 Wireless Trackball Mouse

Manufacturer: Logitech
Manufact. no: 910-005872
Product no: 10943

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M575 er þráðlaus trackball mús með örmóttakara sem hverfur nánast inn í USB tengi tölvunnar. Hún er auk þess með bluetooth 5.0 LE. Hún fer vel í hendi og þreituverkir hverfa þótt unnið sé allan daginn.  Því má þakka lögun hennar og að hún er alltaf á sama stað þar sem trackball kúlan kemur í stað músarhreyfingar á fleti.

  • Mál: 48 mm x 100 mm x 134 mm
  • Þyngd: 145 grömm
  • Rafhlaða: 1x AA sem endist u.þ.b. 18 mánuði
  • Þráðlaus drægni: 10 metrar

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Price: 9,900 kr
Logitech ERGO M575 Wireless Trackball 2.4 GHz, Bluetooth 5.0 LE, graphite

Meet ERGO M575 - a wireless trackball with incredibly easy thumb control. This is the newest addition to the Logitech Ergo series that promotes increased comfort, lower muscle strain, and improved, more natural posture.
Forget about sliding around a mouse or moving your arm to move the cursor. The ergonomic sculpted shape of ERGO M575 minimizes movement and maximizes comfort while keeping your hand and arm relaxed.
With two ways to connect - via Bluetooth Low Energy or the USB receiver - the trackball provides you a powerful, stable signal with a 33 ft. (10m) range. No need to move your trackball, so it's perfect for tight workspaces and busy desks. A single AA battery lasts up to 24 months with the included Unifying USB receiver and up to 20 months with Bluetooth Low Energy.

Input Device
Connectivity Technology: Wireless
Buttons Qty: 5
Max. Operating Distance: 10 meters
Wireless Receiver: USB wireless receiver
Product Type: Trackball
Form Factor: AA type
System Requirements
OS Required: Apple macOS 10.13 or later, Apple iPadOS 13.4 or later, Microsoft Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11 or later
Dimensions & Weight
Dimensions: Width 10 cm, Depth 4,8 cm, Height 13,4 cm
Weight: 145 grams
Color: Graphite
Color Category: Black

Product content

  • ERGO M575 Wireless Trackball