How do I order?

Products can be ordered online 24/7 all year round. Product delivery options are domestic shipping all weekdays with the Icelandic postal service or customers can pick up at our store during opening hours. You can get the product delivered to your door within 90minutes pending simple terms. Then there is always the option to show up at our store during opening ours and shop there. Those who order online can request to get sent discount codes regularly that are only valid when orders are made online.


  1. Product put into cart by pressing the blue cart button 
  2. To proceed to checkout press the cart in the top right corner
  3. Discount codes if any are valid can be activated during checkout
  4. Next step is to supply relevant information in the form on the right, it would be best if you complete the whole form
  5. The you fill in payment and delivery according to your wishes
  6. Last but not least you need to agrees to terms and conditions
  7. Press the green button to place the order
  8. The order has been delivered when on your screen you see "Thanks for your business"